Friday, October 8, 2010

Tim Holtz Page -made at Scrap Pink Retreat from Scrapbook N Such

Hi I finished my 2 page layout that we done in the Tim Holtz class given while we were at the Scrap Pink Retreat given by Scrapbook N Such in Burkburnett, TX October 1-3, 2010.

We had alot of fun- I didn't take pictures so I finished my pages at home like always. I have gotten to do this on most everything I make now as for some reason I just work better on the details at home(maybe it's because that's where ALL my stuff is) you can only pack so much to take with you- ALTHOUGH some of the people there LOOKED like they brought everything they owned. If it's NOT all they own- I would LOVE to see their Scrapbook rooms(or houses) , they had containers and containers and containers of stuff.

 Anyway, My page came out great. I love it. Kayde really loves it as she got to help alittle.

It's alittle off center due to the camera and how I was hanging it to take the pic but it turned out great.
I may have to buy more of the Tim Holtz collection- I seen a few I really like.

 I am hoping Tammi(my Sister will accept my invitation to help me with my Blog and add some of her stuff to it to make it even better! She has tons of stuff she has done also.
 That's it for now. Kids should be waking up soon.

I am starting a little boy album so I will keep you posted.

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